Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I was looking at Mac today as I spoke with a friend on the phone and was just very grateful for all the difficulties and hard times that have come in the 21 months of his life. Because of his being I have had to face the realities of a depression and post-tramitic stress that other wise I had been denying. The past 6 weeks have held unfathomable healing and new light. For those who read the prior blog, I did go the therapist two days after I wrote and have felt like different person since. We did prayer therapy and asked that God would show me the truth and light of where He was in some past experiences. He did and I have felt a huge weight lifted from around my neck. I also semi-quit my job. I now only work 2hours a week in the evening. I have scaled back on the "shoulds" in my life and all being more disciplined about taking care of myself through play, prayer, and community. It is always a balancing act, but our family is happier and I feel that I can move forward in life with hope expectation. Right now I can say that Life is Good.


Sarah said...

So glad to hear this Renae. I'll continue to think about you and your family in prayer.

Jon and Renae said...

Thanks Sarah!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear such a positive update! I've been checking back to see if you had come back to us on blogdom - so was glad to see a new post!!

So proud of you for scaling back on the 'shoulds' of your life, and for making your own self and spirit a conscious priority. So hard to do........

Keep blogging!