Wednesday, May 30, 2007


To the four ladies who wrote words of support and encouragement, Thank you. I am talking with my chiropractor today about some alternative depression meds and than I will be talking to my psychologist. Pray that we make the best decisions possible and that we find the right meds-I think that is my biggest concern. I keep thinking, "If I just hold on a little longer, it will get better-it's already gotten a little better, so just a little more time....." Than I look at my son and think, how many more days am I going to miss rejoicing over his life?

Liz, your story helps me the most today. Knowing that meds can really make me Feel Different-feel Happy. I can hardly remember what that feels like. So that is my hope for the future. I am so glad you sought help.

Kayla, we will pray for this pregnancy and for your willingness to let go of the things that hold you back from really living life-the book I mentioned would be really good for you to read.

Jo, while reading my book, I thought of you. We may not talk hardly ever, but I still consider you a dear friend.

Gwyn, yes, we do need breaks, and work is a good one. It's christian office and I feel very comfortable there.

So, my friends, another day. Ups and downs all around, but it sure feels good to have people who reach out there hands through words and let you know that they are there for you and care.

Many many thanks.


Unknown said...

Renae - Just now reading this. Not sure why I missed your last post. I'm so glad that you are seeking medical help and aren't opposed to medication. Seems that you've been struggling for a long time trying to gain better ground on this, I think it's wise to start looking for a treatment plan that will work better.

Though I hadn't suffered with depression previously I did have PPD after the birth of my daughter. It hit pretty hard after about 2 months - or perhaps I was just in denial until then. I was blessed enough to have a wonderful team of dr.'s coupled with my husband who recommended medication and counseling. This combination worked miracles for me. Within 5 days of being on the meds I noticed a huge difference and started to see the old me coming back. Within weeks of seeing my therapist I felt like the anxiety, confusion, unreasonable resentment,fear, and cloudiness had been lifted.
(I continued on meds for 9 months, and seeing my counselor for several months regularly and then as needed) Without a doubt, I can say that seeking a treatment plan made me a better mother, a better partner, and an active member of my family again. I am so thankful that I sought that treatment! The last few years have been joyous and full of wonderful, enjoyable moments because of that decision.

Know that I will be praying for you. Specifically that you will find the right meds from the beginning that will work with your body to bring you out of this depression.

Be encouraged today for you are loved fellow mommy!!!

Melinda said...


I'm not going to repeat everything that Liz and Kristi said but basically it was the same for me. With my son I had a horrible time after he was born. I didn't recognize it as "depression/anxiety" whatever. I finally went on Medication and felt normal again. I stayed on the meds for about 6 months. With Lily I knew that it was a possibility for me to struggle with it again but felt better after her and then about 2 weeks later it hit. I practically ran to the doctor for some meds. The first set of meds reacted badly with me and my symptoms got worse. I immediately switched to another and am feeling SO MUCH BETTER. My doc gave me great advice. Make sure you have people in your life that will speak truth to you. Wes told me that I was acting funny when I was on the first meds (the ones I reacted badly with) and Nalesa (my best pal) also told me I wasn't acting like myself. Keep watch and have others keep watch for you. I'm sure if you take that route you will find one that works for you! I used to feel guily for feeling depressed and anxious. Like I was a bad person or something. NOT TRUE!!!! I pray that you will find peace through whatever means you chose. It is easy when you are veiled in darkness to think that you will always feel this way...forever...not true...there's hope! Praying for you tonight.

Aaron Perry said...

I guess I'm a bit of a lurker....reading all these posts, but as someone fascinated by the connection between speech and listening and at-one-ment, i just have to say that I love the sharing of stories and the community built in the sharing of trials. very cool. let me also say that as Christians sharing with one another, in confidence because of Christ, that this is a real example of receiving 'healing in Christ.' let me also encourage you to continue to share your stories with other people to open the door to their healing and empowering them to live in freedom, as well.


Jon and Renae said...

Glad for your words AP and for the truth from friends. I really appreciate your sharings. They are truly treasures that measure more than gold. Healing does come from the Body of Christ. Thank you again sisters. Thank you again, Lord.