It's been a long time since I've sat down to write at the computer-for all you moms, you know how it goes-especially at the holidays. But I wanted you all to know that I do think of you and pray for you and hope thatyour lives have been full of joy and wonder. It is so easy to let things just be what they are and seem a bit mucky or grey. But the beauty of having a 2 year old is that everything is amazing in their eyes and once in a while we get a glimpse of how good life really is.
Everyone is well here. Mac and I just got over a 6 day bought with a stomach bug. I have never been so sick in my life. I thought I had food poisening. I even called in my mom to take care-who did so joyfully and than preceeded to get sick and pass it onto my dad-oh the sacrifice of parenting! Jon has been healthy and we thank God for that! Mac is now in a whiney phase after a week of anything goes. I'm trying to get him back on schedule, but it's difficult to be motivated. I am still very tired and queasy because-Merry Christmas-I am 10 weeks pregnant! The baby is due at the end of August. We are happy and nervous. With the emotional turmoil we expereinced with Mac, I'm trying to just trust and pray and know that every mothering expereince is different. I was sick with Mac for 8 months of my pregnancy and this one has been going the same way-so, for those of you who think about us, please pray that I would start feeling better-I know that that is really affecting my emotional status.
Winter is cold and keeping us in a lot. I try to take Mac to the Children's Museum once a week to get out of the house. Jon takes him outside on the weekends-there are some nice trails to walk along not far from here and a park that Mac still enjoys at 25degrees.
Not much more to write. We are healthy, have food on the table, and a roof over our heads. I do not ask for anything more.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
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AHHHHH!!! Congratulations!!! That's WONDERFUL news!!!
I will be praying for you -on many different fronts! Sickness, emotional health, etc!
Just to encourage you though. I had PPD with my first, and haven't experienced it all with the 2nd. I was nervous too, but thankfully have escaped it thus far. So it is possible! (I've been very proactive as well - sleeping, not over scheduling, and just plain letting the house go)
I too find it hard in the winter since we end up being forced to stay inside so much. Toddlers and moms alike go stir crazy! I'm itching for warmer weather that will rid us of the bulky gear required to survive in Canada and also force us outdoors to enjoy nature!
Congratulations, you guys! I'm sure Mac will be a great big brother! I hope all goes well and that you stop feeling sick REAL SOON!
Congratulations, Renae! :)
ooh la la. another babe. that is good. and probably will be hard. got your newsletter a few days ago. loved it.
What!?!!! I am just now reading this. Where have i been!
Do you have a facebook account? I just started a Praying Sisters group in Facebook that I'd love for you to be a part of!
Congrats! Keep us updated!
Renae, I miss your updates! I hope you are doing well.
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