Thursday, February 22, 2007

Like I said....

This is a addicting. All of McKinney's naps have found me here at the computer. The last time I was so computer happy was when he had been diagnosed with reflux and I spent all my time reading about puke on the pager website. Oh, how time goes by. And so it's gone with you. It's been lovely to read bits from lives, but it feels odd reading something without your personal knowledge that I'm reading it. Online journaling. Is it a false sense of connecting? Maybe it's really just all about our lonely culture crying out for community without leaving the couch. I don't know. I do know that I can't leave the house unless naptime is over, feeding has commenced, poop is in it's doodoo place(the diaper pail), and another nap is not on the radar. So maybe blogging has been born out of necessity. Let's face it, we don't all live next door to one another with big welcoming front porches. We all keep different hours in different time zones and so to cope we will puke what we need to our computer and pray that a kind soul will pass by and type "I hear you, I'm with you." That is what I hope you hear from me. (I am not a pessimist. I've been on house arrest with a sick child for 6 days and feeling a little stuffy-but, I AM GOING TO THE GROCERY STORE LATER and an VERY EXCITED. I like the grocery store immensely, mainly because I love to cook. On the menu tonight-Lentil Soup-new recipe and to finish we'll watch the Office and CSI-the love of our lives after McKinney(also known as Mac.) Well, on to accomplishing something before naptime is over.


Mommy of Four said...

Hey Renae,
Glad to see you guys got a blog! I'd love to see pictures of your little one if you get the chance! Congrats, by the way! We have two of our own now. Jadon is 2 1/2 and Amberly is almost 11 months old! I'm looking forward to reading up on you three! God bless!
Kayla H.

Robin said...

Wow it's the Rumples!!! I stumbled on your blog via Brewer's blog. I also saw your photo on Brando's fridge the week before last when I was in Ontario. Good to know you are alive and well; it has been too long. I will have to come back here to keep up on your lives now, so make sure to fill us all in! What's been happening the past, oh, 5 or 6 years?

Jo said...

Renae, You did it! You started a blog. I am happy about this. :) Hooray for grocery stores, and hooray for blogging! I got your pic/letter, --is was fab, will try to get around to writing you back soon.

Heather Durkee said...

welcome to blogdom. Its Heather (Simpson) Durkee. Glad to see that things are going well!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Renae and all! So glad to hear you're doing well...congratulations on your little one! In response to your questions about the necessity of blogdom, I see it as a pulling together of the Body of Christ to mutually edify one another. (And, it's fun!) Looking forward to keeping up with your family.