Monday, March 26, 2007

Sunny Monday (slightly tainted)

I get frustrated over little things. Right now it is the fact the the above recipe is not the recipe I think I am thinking of. My memory says,"The page that the recipe is on doesn't look right, the cookies that I made look different, and I'm sure the ingrediants are not quite what I used last time." My rational side is saying, "Look, you made flourless peanutbutter cookies from a magazine article this winter and this is the only magazine we have in the house with any such recipe so it must be it. End of story." Still I will obsess all day. I am completely neurotic when I have (or think I have) misplaced something. It comsumes me.

Anyway, everything else is sun-shiny and bright. McKinney's surgery went wonderfully. My house smells like good baking, the sunshine is streaming in through(grimy) windows. It's going to be 74F out! We saw our first robin on Friday and I am all-around just happy. I think I may take Mac to the zoo this afternoon!

As to surgery details. Mac was in great form Friday morning. Very easy going and daddy's biggest fan. He got rather hungry, but hardly fussed. Jon went in with him as they put him under and it was a peice of cake. The surgery itself took about a half hour and than we were called back into his room as soon as he was awake. He was pretty upset at this point, but we beleive it was from waking up in the nurses arms, being hungry, and having a blood oxygen sensor on his foot. He has always been very sensitive about having his feet touched and doesn't like us to tickle them or play with them-put socks on and leave them alone is his modo. Jon and Grandma soothed him while I walked the hallway trying not to pass out-hospitals and IVs put me over the edge-and than we were on our way home. He has stitches and a black eye, but he hardly seems to know it even took place. By Friday afternoon he wanted to play outside and got mad when we took a walk and bi-passed the playground. We dosed him with Tylonel for two days, but hes has hardly even touched him eye and yesterday he made no complaints even with out meds. So, THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO TOOK A MOMENT TO PRAY FOR MCKINNEY AND FOR US. EVERYTHING WENT SMOOTHLY AND GOD"S HAND WAS STRONGLY EVIDENT IN MAC'S ATTITUDE AND RECOVERLY.


Angela said...

I'm so glad the surgery went well. I was nursing Danielle back to health from a cold as i thought of you guys and prayed. Having my first experience with watching my little one suffer as she struggled to breath through her congestion, I had a glimpse into how you must have been feeling seeing yours through surgery.
On the other hand, I think I will have to try this flourless peanut butter cookie recipe. It sounds deliche!

Kelly said...

Glad to hear McKinney's doing well!