Friday, March 2, 2007

5 Years of Wonder

The Love of My Life and I have been married 5 years today. Laying in bed last night we agreed that we still fit together perfectly every way. We are the best of friends, pretty good parents, great lovers, and an incredible team in whatever we do. I truly believe we were made for each other. I love him! I love him! I love him! Can you tell I'm still in love! For us, marriage has only gotten sweeter with time. Yes, there were transitions and struggles in the beginning-sometimes there still are, but life with Jon is greater than all I ever hoped or dared to imagine, and I'm sure the future will continue to far exceed all my dreams! I am a blessed woman. My husband is the most gentle, kind, gracious, forgiving, tender, strong, handsome, brave, intelligent, hard-working, compassionate, sensitive, considerate, patient, unconditionally loving, generous man I could ever want, and no doubt, he is all I'll ever want.
My prayer today is that those who are married would have this same sense of passion and fulfilment that I find within my marriage.
And for those who aren't married, I pray that if you ever want and do get married, you will aspire and work to have a great marriage and that God would give you a partner with that same desire and commitment.


Elizabeth said...

Happy anniversary!! In a world where marriage is so quickly discarded, or so easily dulled, it is refreshing to read your post. I'm really enjoying your blog...thank you for being so transparent!

matthew said...

Hope you had a happy anniversary, from the sounds of it i'm sure you did :) God bless

Mommy of Four said...

Happy anniversary! I hope it was slpendid:)

Angela said...

mmmm...mawwage. I wuv it. I wuv my husband too. Loved this post! :-)