Thursday, August 16, 2007

yesterdays post

Thank you to everyone who responded to my rantings late last night. I can't say I'm in any more certain place at this moment, but it is so good to have friends who will interject and reflect back to me(good Neilson skills). I really needed to see these 4comments tonight when I opened the blog. A bit of hope is what I am calling it.

Today was not quite so bad, but this could be because my in-laws had been at our house for 14 hours, I was running on 5 hours of sleep and work was a haven. I still have 5 more in-law days to go, so please say a prayer for me. As much as I love my in-laws they truly drive me crazy. Jon knows this and understands and is incredibly patient with me.

I am debating on quiting or telling them exactly how I feel and asking to have one more month to see if it gets better. Should I do that though? Should I involve them in my decision at all? It would give them knowledge that might help them to prepare if I leave, but than they might treat me different. Plus, I don't really think I will feel different. Maybe, but it's been three months and it has only gotten harder, not easier. With the in-laws here, I don't want to make a rash decision-I'm also hormonal and sleep deprived and have not had a moment to have a private calm conversation with my husband. I will post again tomorrow.

Thank you everyone for your support of "I don't know" and "Just quit". Thank you thank you thank you. This is truly what I feel. It is amazing how friendship can come through the distance.

May love to you all in your own struggles. Sweet dreams on this cool starry summer night.



Owen said...

Have you thought about working from home? It would give you some flexibility and freedom, but still allow you bring in some money and break up your days at home.

Jon and Renae said...

What would you suggest?

Mommy of Four said...

I would write a "goodbye" letter, if you will, should you choose to leave, anyway...and I would be sure to thank them for the opportunity to work for them and learn new things, and just explain the health reasons behind your doing so. Not everyone understands PPD, and I went as far as having my doctor evaluate me (to which he determined I was unable to work "indefinitely") and write a note to my employer. I copied it and saved one for myself (for MY records) and gave them one to keep on record (should any future potential employers look at my history). But most people at least get the picture that you're not leaving because you don't like the company...and I would be open about the disorder now, while you still work there, so it doesn't come as a shock. And I don't think you'll be treated differently (I never was), except by those who have been through it and understand it (and that treatment isn't so bad! It's great to have a listening ear who understands!!). Good luck with the decision! I know it's a hard one to make!

As far as the working from home...I would STRONGLY caution you should you look into it. Most (granted, not "all") of them are scams. Just be careful!